Thursday, December 16, 2010

CAAS Summary

CAAS 111 was a very interesting class that taught me not only about the way that Africans were uprooted from their homeland and taken to foreign nations, but how they brought their culture with them and infused into into the ways of life in these new places. The European colonialism that took place in Europe after the Berlin Conference was catastraphic for the Africans as the Europeans took over there political, social, economic, and cultural world. However, these people persisted throgh this tough time. Africans in Jamaica despite wanting to follow Garvey's back to africa mindset, have instituted a great culture of Rastafarianism which looks to Haile Salisse as their Messiah. Within the Americas, despite initial troubles in becoming assimiliated equally to the society, many Africans integrated through sports which send the trend for overall societal integration. This class provided a lot of information in an interesting and exciting way.

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